
New Venture

Honing in on a Problem Worth Solving in the Death Care Space

The Opportunity

Gitwit, working on a new 19days venture, identified the funeral home industry early on as a target for exploration because it is large, disaggregated, and undergoing significant change; yet, it lags in technology and user experience improvements, and is rife with rent-seeking middlemen.

Our discovery process started with an anecdote from a funeral home owner: The trend of people choosing cremations over burials is on the rise, leading to a decline in funeral home profits. The team was intrigued by the significant shift this industry is facing — and the challenges and opportunities it presents.

Our goal: Identify a problem worth solving. And, if found, develop a solution worth buying.

Robust Discovery

Going deep and wide to source human level problems

Discovery Stats


funeral directors interviewed


preneed insurance experts interviewed


hours of ethnographic research


hours of solution validation

Problem Definition

Hone in on the problem with the highest potential.

Concepting the Solution

Quickly prototype B2B software concepts and test our hypotheses.